Mi amor,tu mirada vibrante brilla sin parar cuando me miras,
poco a poco se adueña de mi control y no se cómo frenarlo.
Tus labios se resecan por el aire que nos lleva y nos trae sin cesar.
Te observo sigilosamente y quiero gritar pero no puedo,no me dejas traspasar tu misteriosa mirada..
My love, I can tell from your vibrant look; A glow that never ceaces when you look at me.
Your lips left dry by the neverending breeze that takes us and bring us.
I look st you and want to shout but,I can´t
You don´t let me through your look but im happy to see it so close everyday.
And feel for an instant that my smile is reflected in your eyes.
Each second, I lose between unfinished thoughts I end up thinking about you.
And as I see your body´s silluette I begin to tremble.
Your skin,your smell,your smile,your look ,your gestures,your shyness,you un-stoppable sweetness.
Aiko Cho
Hace 13 años
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